What do airlines say about taking magnetic toys onboard?
Great news! Airlines allow you to bring magnetic toys and games, fridge magnets, souvenir magnets, and other consumer magnets onboard, both in your carry on and in your checked bags. Since the magnets in these items are small and not dangerously powerful, they will do no harm. Only strong, industrial magnets or earth magnets would mess with the plane’s compass. To be very specific: the sum of all magnets you are bringing shouldn’t exceed a magnetic field strength of more than 5.25 milligauss at a distance of 15 feet. When exceeding this strength, they can interfere with the aircraft’s navigation and electronic equipment. Normal consumer magnets will not come close to this amount, so don’t worry!

Why bring magnetic SmartMax toys when travelling?
Magnetic toys and games are perfect for traveling! Toddlers are fascinated by the pull- and push effects of magnets and they love to continuously test it out. SmartMax magnets also come in various bright colours that are pleasing for kids’ eyes. You can use the toys to teach them about colours. The various SmartMax sets help train the fine motor skills of your little one and practice hand-eye coordination. Furthermore, children can let their imagination run free when building constructions or when just playing with the figurines. Sets like Roboflex or My First Farm Animals can see that one set can offer a variety of benefits!
Sources and information:
TSA (2022). What can I bring: Magnets. Tsa.gov. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/magnets
Dhir, Gaura (21 September 2021). Can You Take Magnetic Toys On A Plane? Will They Harm The Plane’s Systems? Holgatetoy.com. https://travelonthefly.com/can-you-take-magnets-on-a-plane/
Flyguy, Dave (14 December 2021). Can You Take Magnets On A Plane? TravelontheFly.com. (https://travelonthefly.com/can-you-take-magnets-on-a-plane/